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Privacy policy & cookies

UsedVans4U (UsedVans4U) is committed to supporting the best standards of practice in all its activities in relation to privacy and security. Visitors to this site can be assured that the protection of privacy and confidentiality are given the highest priority. All personal information is collected, held and used in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

UsedVans4U (UsedVans4U) does not collect any personal information from visitors to its website other than information that is knowingly and voluntarily given. All information, including anonymous, is collected - such as the number of visitors to the website in a given period, but it is purely statistical and cannot be used to identify an individual user.

Cookies are not used to collect any other information from visitors to the website (also detailed below). information security and quality We intend to protect the quality and integrity of your personally identifiable information.

We have implemented appropriate technical and managerial procedures to maintain information that is accurate, current, and complete. There are AMEND facilities available to users to correct personal information inaccuracies. UsedVans4U (UsedVans4U) takes appropriate measures to safeguard the information it holds from unauthorised access or improper use.

Specifically, all personal information on its database is stored in an encrypted form. UsedVans4U (UsedVans4U) has a strict internal security policy with which members of staff must comply as a condition of employment and no external access to the system is permitted. UsedVans4U continually reviews and up-dates its security procedures as new technologies become available and new activities are introduced.

There are various technologies, including one named "cookies", which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a Web site. A cookie is an element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. UsedVans4U pages DO NOT use cookies, or other technologies that identify you when you revisit our site. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. UsedVans4U supports the development of technologies that will let you manage and control the release of your personal information wherever you go on the Internet.

UsedVans4U obligations with respect to downloading materials are such that every effort is made to ensure that files are virus free. Where possible and practicable we use Acrobat PDF file formats to avoid large file sizes and macro viruses. Files downloaded are done so at the users own risk.

© 2016, UsedVans4U - privacy statement

Please contact us if you have concerns about Privacy at steve.hunt@ballyvesey.com
